Greedy Monopolies Making Record Profits Want More

By michelle
Image with "Greed" written as currency over utility bills, past due stamp and calculator

Greedy Monopolies Making Record Profits Want More (A Story about Centerpoint and Duke Energy).
Mondays with Michelle May 20, 2024

During a recent Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) hearing for Centerpoint Energy’s rate increase request [], hundreds of fellow Hoosiers from Evansville spoke up loudly. Over 7 hours of testimony from county and local electeds, small business owners, those on fixed income, families, individuals, and from all walks of life! Unsurprisingly, ZERO STATE REPRESENTATIVES SHOWED UP

Too many of us are having to choose between food on our table or heating our homes. Too many of our children are suffering while Centerpoint makes record profits. And now Duke Energy is asking for their own rate increase. Monopoly utility company shareholders are making record profits while we are required to cover their investment risk and poor management decisions. That’s not right!

Groups like Citizens Action Coalition are helping Hoosiers fight back. According to their website []:

CAC is Indiana's oldest and largest consumer and environmental advocacy organization. Since our inception in 1974, we've helped to save Hoosiers more than $10 billion in excess utility charges. 

If utility costs are a concern for you and if you are a Duke Energy customer, I invite you to check out Citizens Action Coalition’s Duke Rate Hike alert (“Duke Energy Wants You To Pay An Egregious $42 MORE Per Month On Your Electric Bill So They Can Double Down On Burning Coal”) to learn how you can take action. 

Also, SAVE THE DATE: June 20th! There are several IURC hearings coming up. One of them is tentatively scheduled for June 20th in Bloomington. Plan to join fellow Hoosiers to fight back. Time and place are still being determined, so if you are interested in further information, please contact, and we’ll keep you posted.

[To continue reading this issue of Mondays with Michelle, visit]